Saturday, October 12, 2019

Eulogy for Mother :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Mother The desert sands have seen grand dames but the grandest they ever did see was your friend, my mother, a soul like no other, the beautiful Marti B. We are gathered together to pay our respects and to bid her fond adieu. Though a eulogy cannot do justice to the woman we all knew The lessons I learned when I was young are things I don't recall, But Mom, I know, was always there in the center of it all. She instilled in me the "little" things on which my life is built: Courage, compassion, laughter and drive, with a sprinkling of guilt. She taught me how to tie my shoes and taught me to stand tall She taught me that to really live means giving it your all She kept me sharp and on my toes; she pushed me to excel And gave to me a love of words, as if you couldn't tell She gave us all security, by always being there. She didn't always agree with you but you could feel her care She gave us all sincerity and our sense of wrong from right Yet she would stay up worrying if we were late at night. She was the keeper of the clan, and could tell a picture's story. You know that she was proud of us, and reveled in our glory. She had a way of reaching out that kept us all in touch She helped enriched so many lives, we'll miss her oh so much. So boundless was her selfless love and gigantic was her heart, Her daughter's class all called her Mom and boy she fit the part. She had a way of making friends no matter where she'd go In a checkout line, or a round of golf -- more friends she 'd get to know She usually made such an impression at any type of party. Our high school friends would drop on by, to visit just with Marti. She held her own out on the floor; she loved to cut a rug. And treated everyone as friends, and each one got a hug. President of the Ladies Club, she made friends and got things done. Always working at her game, even after her hole in one. With her flair, her smile, her caring eyes, there should be no doubt. That like a bundle of energy, giving 's what she was about She really loved to play group games, even if she'd often loose She was always ready to play again, any game that you might choose

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